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Start » Catalog » Nautical Decoration » Clocks and Meteorologic Stations » RMG15615


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103.58 €
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Meteorologic station for hanging on a wall.
Base made of wood in blue color.
Instruments decorated with a lighthouse.

Instruments: Thermo-Hygrometer and Barometer.
For using inside.

Height: 280 mm.
Width: 140 mm.

Measures the temperature (in ºC and ºF scale) and the air relative humidity (0%-100%).

Aneroid: measures the atmosferic pressure with a metallic cell which expands/contracts with the effect of pressure in an inside void chamber.


Barometer adjustment according to location’s height
The information of the atmospheric pressure depends on the height of the location against the level of the sea. According to the marked height, the pressure indicator will change its bearing.
The barometer is factory adjusted according to a height determined in the packing, by what strangely the barometer would be able to be used without adjusting it. It’s possible to adjust it according to another barometer placed in this location or according to the information of the weather forecast (State Agency of Meteorology http: // www.aemet.es). If there’s known exactly the altitude of the position of the employment place also it’s possible to quarrel thanks to a calculation of the correction value: the atmospheric pressure diminishes with the increase of the height, with regard to the calculation

1 hPa every 8 m of altitude difference

Adjustment screw
Indicator regulation can be effected by turning the adjustment screw. The screw is made of brass and is located on the rear sheet.

Adjusting to weather
1. With an atmospheric pressure of 1020 hPa (765 mm QS) or more, you can count with a calm and dry climatology, being more stable on more atmospheric pressure. In summer, the weather is mostly clear and hot, whereas in winter the weather is frozen when clear.
2. With a value of 1000 hPa (750 mm QS) or less it identifies commonly a cloudy climate with rainfalls. If the pressure is lower than 1000 hPa there’s a great probability of strong wind or storms.

Temperature and humidity
Inside barometers are combined commonly with thermometers and hygrometers, instruments to complete the environmental measurement. In general, the temperature and humidity considered "good" are situated in the variations of 18ºC to 22ºC and from 45 % to 70 % respectively.

Corrections on the thermometer and hygrometer indicators
It can be necessary a correction of the indicators of temperature and humidity due to, for example, blows or vibrations during his transport. To make this correction, simply adjust the axis screw of the indicator with a screwdriver from the rear part of the device. These corrections are recommended only in case of very strong blows or if it is suspected that the thermometer works badly (for example, comparing the temperature marked with another thermometer).


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